2--Number of nights slept in car
4--Number of hours spent sitting in Grandpa's shiatsu chair
1--Number of aunts who still cuss like a sailor
.75--Number of tool sheds the Reeves men built
1.5--Number of pounds per square inch per minute of air that escaped my inflatable mattress when any kind of weight was applied
2.5--Number of hours spent singing Christmas carols led by cousins' funky public speaking teacher friend*
I'm glad to be back, not necessarily to Abilene, but to the qwerty-jock community. I've grown quite fond of you Blahg-lievers, seriously. I'm not sure I ever thought that relationships could deepen as a result of these stupid things called blogs, but it seems to have happened. I enjoy reading the things you write on your blogs and in a weird way engaging in your lives. Please continue to write; I appreciate your thoughts.

*2.5 may be an exaggeration, but only barely...seriously we sang Christmas carols for like 2 hours
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