Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Don I now my foolish apparel

I've been thinking lately about appropriate levels of self-disclosure in relationship. You've got to give the other person something, but certainly not too much.
I think I'm at a point with you, Community of Blahglievers, where I can disclose a bit of intimate info without scaring you off.

In the anarchy that is my physical body, there are parts which run rogue; each with its own agenda. One such part is located at my left posterior wrist. A self-diagnosis points to faulty Eccrine sweat glands. These glands regulate body temperature and are in particularly high concentration at the palms, forehead, and soles of feet.

It is my hypothesis that some rogue Eccrines migrated from my left palm to the outside of my left wrist and are now working overtime.

The situation is: on random, unforeseeable occasions, my left wrist will perspire regardless of external conditions. Sometimes I'm cold and I'll notice I've got a case of sweaty wrist. Sometimes I'm falling asleep, warm and cozy, and I'll notice a case of sweaty wrist. At one point I tried to document each occurrence and discern a pattern in flare ups, but to no avail. It flares up when it wants to.

To date, my only successful countermeasure has been to don a wristband. My feelings of foolishness mix with feelings of triumph as I conquer those mindless infidel Eccrines in my left wrist. I thought about including a picture as evidence, then I thought: gross.

Now that you've seen the moist skeleton in my closet, I beseech you- don't judge me for my honesty. If you're going to judge me, let it be on the basis of my freak features.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Can you do a full treatise on the sweating phenomenon that is Mark Gibson?

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