Friday, January 18, 2008

Hey Lady!! I'm up here!!

It's not even eight o'clock and I'm the object of misandry.
Perhaps it's my fault for wearing a v-neck undershirt coupled with a v-neck sweater revealing my u-joint (where my two collar bones meet; the top of my sternum just below my Adam's apple. The bone sort of makes a "u"). The u-joint is where the v meets the skin in this file photo:

I just had a conversation in the hallway with (name withheld). She wouldn't stop staring at my u-joint, like she'd never seen one. Jerk.
Being objectified is awesome like an airbag on a bicycle.

1 comment:

Justin said...

That first paragraph contained more V's than the opening monologue of "V for Vendetta".

Read up on Ernest Shackleton, because that's going to be us this weekend.

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