Friday, February 29, 2008

Food, Festivals, and Freedom: A QWERTY Conversation

joseph.halbert: my german prof bought us breakfast this is phenomenal
muffins, cheese, cookies, orange juice
me: was this penance for that time he brought a bow and arrow to class to bring down the family of bats in the rafters and accidentally tagged one of the students?
joseph.halbert: i think so bc he's wearing a t-shirt that says "bats are whack" in fake airbrush font
me: from the caricature stand at the fair?
joseph.halbert: either the fair or fiesta, tx
me: you ever go to the fair in abilene?
joseph.halbert: no i go in austin sometimes tho
how is the key city fair?
me: like a piece of food stuck in a mullet mated with a blind bowl of cabbagejoseph.halbert: i saw movie like that once. i'm not proud of it
me:did you need a parent permission slip signed?
joseph.halbert: no i was 18 but still in hs
me: 18 in hs is like being a freed slave still living on the plantation
joseph.halbert: hahaha

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