Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Life's better with music

That's what I've been living lately. Music in the morning, music all day at work, music in the evening. I've set up a menu for a day. Spoiler Alert: explicit language ahead.

When it's morning and you want to do some thinking and reading: George Winston's Autumn Album

When you're at work on a computer and you just want to fly: In Rainbows by Radiohead

or Hopes and Fears by Keane

or Our Love to Admire by Interpol

When you get back to the house and it's time to rip, you don't want entire albums. You want select songs:

Buck in Here by DJ Felli Fell

Hustlin' by Rick Ross

If you try this for a day and you wind up soaring in the stratosphere, you're welcome.

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