Saturday, December 13, 2008

Yes, that's a Wright brothers reference

From my experience, an unhappy Blahgliever is like a brand new typewriter, really easy to push their buttons.  So ask and you will receive, Halbetron.  While I'm not quite poised for a full scale return, I'll give a light sample of my recent ponderings.

Tuesday at my local morning coffee spot, I look out the front window.  A silhouetted figure, backlit by the rising sun approaches.  Though I can see nothing of his features, I know immediately this person is military.  They've got the military walk, you know.  So I wrote him a rap.  Heads up for a video performance.

the militar-y walk

maybe its the uniform, the mono-pattern-atic garb
restricting normal walking form, like donning warning-fence barbs

or maybe there's a predator, who hunts down only cammo
and in the citizen world, speed walking is the soldier's only ammo

demographically challenged, perhaps some light inbreeding
leads to infant imbalance, rarely fixed before weening

a chip develops and on their shoulder envelops
'till older when it makes their grudge against society swell up

so to retaliate against their self-imposed enslavement
they congregate and then they take it out on the pavement

it's the militar-y walk, just look at how he walks,
the mass-produces, fast-induced, new red neck c-walk

it's the militar-y walk, it's faster than thee walks,
rivaling the pace of orville back at kitty hawk


Justin said...

This is why I've missed the Blahg in my life.

Patrick said...

The crowd requests an encore.

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