Thursday, January 15, 2009

In which you get the full update.

Welcome back, Blahglievers.  Some things I've learned in '09:

1. I like thinking more than I like acting
2. I like to spend time with nobody
3. is the most awesome site
4. There is value in becoming a regular at a small-time eatery
5. You shouldn't wear your shorts backwards during a workout yesterday
6. Although basically memorized, Arrested Development still makes me laugh
7. Cmap is a great piece of software
8. I'm not sure I'll ever tire of the soundtrack from The Grizzly Man
9. All good lists come in nines

Look for more posts more frequently in the future; new things in o'nine.


hootenannie said...

Haha, no acting for me... although now I'm intrigued to know who my Pizza Hut twin is... :)

Happy weekend, Blahger!

lance said...

So true about the Grizzly Man Soundtrack.

That's all.

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