Tuesday, February 03, 2009

24 Hours Later

A pair of challenges was placed before me yesterday.  The following survivor's tale is based on actual events yesterday.
1. I went for human contact instead of going into the earphones and music zone while at work.  By day's end, I had had an interesting discussion on heaven, hell, and the incomprehensibleness of the flexibility of time as it approaches the speed of light.  More importantly than what we shared, was that we shared.  I'm going to try to do more of that.  That means I'm calling you soon, Patrick, because I want to hear your thoughts on the nature of emotion.  If any other Blahglievers want to jump into the game, I'd love to hear your thoughts, through any medium you want; phone, email, pigeon.  My friend Patrick has a talent for asking good questions, most recently: Is emotion corporeal?  What must Christians, those who are born again in spirit, do with emotion?
I like to dive deep into the questions Patrick thinks on.  As a preview, Patty, what if I argued that emotion is the ingredient that makes us human, and the bridge that connects us with the divine?

2. I ran my laptop battery all the way down.  Nothing positive came of this.  While I was working, warnings, pleas for help kept popping into view.  "Running on 10% battery power.  Please hook computer up to power source... pretty please"
It was heart breaking.

Blessings on you Blahglievers today.  Go connect with someone.

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