Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gear Review

It was at a small, relatively spartan ski resort in Colorado that I spent my spring break. No fully-enclosed gondolas or mid-mountain lodges to pamper me. It was mountain versus man and into battle I could only bring my gear. It would be an understatement to say I survived the week; irresponsible to say I deserve all the credit. I had good gear. So, bravely, I'll share with you my secrets in case you're planning to battle a mountain in wintertime.

Purchased online, I was nervous how they would fit. Luckily they stayed true to Mondo sizing and they fit my feet well. The notoriously difficult entry/exit is acceptable considering the extreme comfort my foot enjoyed all day. Good ankle angle for all-mountain shredding and roomy toe-box for warmth made me forget I was wearing ski-boots. I have narrow (but manly) feet, and this kick was just right, so if you've got Frodo feet, bind 'em then buy these boots. They're fantastic. Plus you look macho.

Park binding for park skiing, race binding for race skiing. Bindings should purchased for function. I didn't do that. I purchased for price. Luckily they fit my style of skiing (epic) and I can only give these a glowing review. In the one real instance when I needed them to breakaway (sixth gear into waist-deep powder, avoiding trees (I think razor-oaks)), they were flawless. Otherwise, they gave lots of response on the groomers, and stayed tight when the temperatures spiked and made stuff messy.

Classified as a twin-tip, and called an all-mountain sled with park capability, the S3 can hold it's own anywhere. My 170s had a toe/waist/heel of 122/92/115, making them ultra versatile. They're the SUVs of skis. With less chance of moral judgements being thrown at the owner. While I did spend some time in the park, let's say my quest to see if the skis could handle a triple-Salchow-magnum-pipe-tanker-twist is yet unanswered. There are certainly skis out there that handle speed better, or handle the park better, or handle the trees better, but there are probably few that do all three better. The S3 is like a German Shepherd.

They're ski poles. They're all the same. Like men. (WHAT'S UP LADIES!!! Look how funny and self-aware I can be.)

In conclusion, I only gave praise; no critique. If I watched the show, I would make a hilarious American Idol reference here.

Yes, that's an udder:

1 comment:

Prosso said...

Saw the cow suit and didn't even blink. That is a testament to your character.

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