Wednesday, April 18, 2007

missing a meeting right now

immediately following my pre-blog ritual (cardio, eyebrow pluck, repeat) i caught my reflection in the terminator shades sitting on the desk. the unintentional scowl peering back could have passed for a goblin. reason? reading other people's blogs contorts my face like a barrel of lemons being thrown at my face.

there must be, hidden in the blog by-laws, a clause requiring a personality change when you write. scores of charming, positive people metamorphosize into sorcerers of sourness who use words they would never say in normal conversation because people don't talk with an open webster's in hand anymore. v for vendetta says it best:

Evey Hammond: Is everything a joke to you, Gordon?
Gordon Deitrich: Only the things that matter.

here's the pledge- when i want to produce acidic clouds of seriousness to soak the 76 trombones in your parade, this page won't be the first draft. i'll add to the captain's log and perhaps that will iron the grumpies out. if that doesn't work, i can always dump yeasted-wheat into the ocean and wait for it to return...?

makes as much sense to me as something that doesn't make sense

1 comment:

Justin said...

The only reason I use the $5 words is to impress you, Christopher Luke Reeves.

Say Hello to Kool for Me,

J. Scott

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