Skinner(below) and I would discuss ethics and morality, as well as love...and hair care products. From the above work, quoting Skinner:
"when two people meet,
one of them is nice to the other and that predisposes the other to be nice to him, and that makes him even more likely to be nice. It goes back and forth, and it may reach the point at which they are very highly disposed to do nice things to the other and not to hurt. And I suppose that is what would be called 'being in love.'"
What a guy!

Vergès and I would discuss the ethical/moral dilemmas criminal lawyers face. He would recount his experiences representing Pol Pot, Ayatollah Khomeini, and Klaus Barbie. From Barbet Schroeder's upcoming film "Terror's Advocate":
"I can't stand a man being humiliated even an enemy"-Jacques Vergès(below)

Thanks for tuning in, Blahg-lievers!
1 comment:
Promoter, Publisher, and Pundit of the Blahg,
What are your thoughts on the Ninja "Brown Suit" proposal for Homecoming Breakfast? I'm all for establishing a renegade faction of non-groomsmen to protest the blatant elitism of this plan.
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