Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Bermuda Pull Up Bar

True or False:
1. The Bermuda Triangle is portable.
2. An event horizon can be stepped through.
3. Laws of gravity and friction can cease to exist in a given space provided that said space contains the conditions of questions 1 and 2.

1. True.
2. True.
3. Been there. True.

Imagine a place where friction isn't welcome, regular laws of gravity are broken, and most of your dreams come true. I live in that place.

The pull up bar in the doorway. That's the place. Hang and swing, I dare you. The apex of your swing will NEVER CHANGE. Don't pump your body at all; if you can hold on, you will swing forever. An uncountably large number of people have tested it a limitless number of times. Confirmed every time. I submit to you what I submitted to Science Magazine: empirical proof. You be the judge.

1 comment:

Justin said...

The Sardine is actually the island on LOST, right?

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