Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Math, President

As I'm (thumbing?) through the Google Reader this morning, it appears that people watched yesterday.  Sure, I thought that prayer kicked butt, but I'm not going to contribute to the body of blog work which has materialized on our new president over the last few weeks and months.  By a rough count I did this morning, there have been 260 trillion trillion trillion articles written about President Obama in the last 24 hours.  Stacked end to end, they would stretch for about 14 billion light years, and while I'm aware that would be bigger than the accepted size of our universe, I'm also aware that I could have forgotten to carry a 1 here and there in my calculation.  Bottom line, I bet neither Obama nor Bush could  (thumb?) through the internet any better.

Also, my spell checker says "Obama" is spelled incorrectly.  Really? You'd think someone would have added that to the dictionary by now.

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