Monday, February 02, 2009

I'm trying it today

Today I will:
1. not put on earphones and listen to music at work.  I seriously love being zoned in with just music and work.  No distractions.  But that also means no human contact.  Today I unplug.
2. run my laptop's battery all the way down.  I mean all the way.  I hate doing this.  I like any and all electronic devices I have (laptop, cell phone, flashlight, mobile charging device for other electronic devices, etc.) to be at 100% battery power 100% of the time.

I expect total failure, but hope for less than total failure.  I'll let you know.

1 comment:

lance said...

Great choice on #2. I do my best to stay away from chargers of both the cell phone and laptop varitey until said cell phone or laptop is almost completely dead, at which point I charge until 100% is achieved. Stay the course and your life will be blessed. Good luck.

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