Thursday, August 27, 2009

Racism in the AM

"They're always tryin' to Jew me out of money and you may be too!" croaked the old bat with whom I had been speaking on the phone for about 10 minutes. I opted not to ask her to repeat herself.
Rosemary was her name, and verbal hospitality wasn't her game. I had to talk to her for work. The weird part is, we were trying to give her money. Exactly.
I should explain for those Blahglievers who don't know, I work for an oil and natural gas company. Rosemary owns interest under a piece of land with which we're dealing, so she's got money coming her way. I guess I too would be skeptical if some adorable sounding guy called me up and said he had money for me, but I don't think anti-Semitism would be my go-to move. I might just hang up and leave the country.
"I ain't signin' nothin'"
"Ma'am, you do realize we're not requesting, but offering money, right?"
"I don't want that dirty money, you can keep it! And you can stop all this callin' here too!"
I was as puzzled by her backhanded embezzlement accusation as by her presumption that this one phone call had multiplied into many. But this was a piece of business that needed to get solved for our company, so bravely, I hung up. And ate a donut. Because it was just after 8 in the morning. At least I only had 7.5 remaining hours at work to dwell on my professional failure and personal insecurity.

Have a wonderful, insult-free day Blahglievers.

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